Free HashiCorp Vault-Associate Exam Actual Questions

The questions for Vault-Associate were last updated On May 6, 2024

Question No. 1

You are using the Vault userpass auth method mounted at auth/userpass. How do you create a new user named "sally" with password "h0wN0wB4r0wnC0w"? This new user will need the power-users policy.





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Correct Answer: D

To create a new user named ''sally'' with password ''h0wN0wB4r0wnC0w'' and the power-users policy, you would use the Vault userpass auth method mounted at auth/userpass. You would use the following command: ''vault write auth/userpass/users/sally password=h0wN0wB4r0wnC0w policies=power-users''. This command would create a new user named ''sally'' with the specified password and policy.Reference:

[Userpass Auth Method | Vault | HashiCorp Developer]

[Create Vault policies | Vault | HashiCorp Developer]

Question No. 4

How would you describe the value of using the Vault transit secrets engine?

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