Free Databricks Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Exam Actual Questions

The questions for Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer were last updated On May 2, 2024

Question No. 1

The data governance team is reviewing user for deleting records for compliance with GDPR. The following logic has been implemented to propagate deleted requests from the user_lookup table to the user aggregate table.

Assuming that user_id is a unique identifying key and that all users have requested deletion have been removed from the user_lookup table, which statement describes whether successfully executing the above logic guarantees that the records to be deleted from the user_aggregates table are no longer accessible and why?

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Correct Answer: A

The DELETE operation in Delta Lake is ACID compliant, which means that once the operation is successful, the records are logically removed from the table. However, the underlying files that contained these records may still exist and be accessible via time travel to older versions of the table. To ensure that these records are physically removed and compliance with GDPR is maintained, a VACUUM command should be used to clean up these data files after a certain retention period. The VACUUM command will remove the files from the storage layer, and after this, the records will no longer be accessible.

Question No. 2

A data engineer wants to reflector the following DLT code, which includes multiple definition with very similar code:

In an attempt to programmatically create these tables using a parameterized table definition, the data engineer writes the following code.

The pipeline runs an update with this refactored code, but generates a different DAG showing incorrect configuration values for tables.

How can the data engineer fix this?

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Correct Answer: A

The issue with the refactored code is that it tries to use string interpolation to dynamically create table names within the dlc.table decorator, which will not correctly interpret the table names. Instead, by using a dictionary with table names as keys and their configurations as values, the data engineer can iterate over the dictionary items and use the keys (table names) to properly configure the table settings. This way, the decorator can correctly recognize each table name, and the corresponding configuration settings can be applied appropriately.

Question No. 3

The data engineer is using Spark's MEMORY_ONLY storage level.

Which indicators should the data engineer look for in the spark UI's Storage tab to signal that a cached table is not performing optimally?

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Correct Answer: C

In the Spark UI's Storage tab, an indicator that a cached table is not performing optimally would be the presence of the _disk annotation in the RDD Block Name. This annotation indicates that some partitions of the cached data have been spilled to disk because there wasn't enough memory to hold them. This is suboptimal because accessing data from disk is much slower than from memory. The goal of caching is to keep data in memory for fast access, and a spill to disk means that this goal is not fully achieved.

Question No. 4

What is the first of a Databricks Python notebook when viewed in a text editor?

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Correct Answer: B

When viewing a Databricks Python notebook in a text editor, the first line indicates the format and source type of the notebook. The correct option is % Databricks notebook source, which is a magic command that specifies the start of a Databricks notebook source file.

Question No. 5

The Databricks CLI is use to trigger a run of an existing job by passing the job_id parameter. The response that the job run request has been submitted successfully includes a filed run_id.

Which statement describes what the number alongside this field represents?

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Correct Answer: D

When triggering a job run using the Databricks CLI, the run_id field in the response represents a globally unique identifier for that particular run of the job. This run_id is distinct from the job_id. While the job_id identifies the job definition and is constant across all runs of that job, the run_id is unique to each execution and is used to track and query the status of that specific job run within the Databricks environment. This distinction allows users to manage and reference individual executions of a job directly.